
Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Fri, 16 May 2003 22:39:58 -0500

You have to be sure it is actually a Pianocorder.   Does it play
tapes that say Pianocorder and the tape deck say Marantz or
Superscope on it?   Pianocorder hasn't been made since the 80's.
There are technical books because most units were made to be
installed into existing pianos out in the field by trained
technicians who had attended a two day seminar.
    If it isn't playing very well make sure the piano plays well,
ie it is in regulation.  Make sure the solenoid rail is not loose
and in its proper place.  This can be determined by inspection and
fiddling. If you operate the solenoids by hand it should make that
note play.  The tapes should be "official" ie with a company logo
etc.  The    coin op and rinky dink   and any other "nickelodeon"
attachments are not part of Pianocorder.  They are custom add ons
which could be hindering operation.
    There are two adjustments that effect volume and expression.
If one or both of these is turned down It can play softly or
intermittently.  Little white wheels?  You will find them on the
"main board".   If the electronics are failing you will have to
replace components that haven't been manufactured for 20 years.
I would do a search in Google or Jeeves.
or http://mmd.foxtail.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: David Lawson <dlawson@netc.net.au>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 1:13 AM
Subject: Pianocorder

> G'Day over there. Can you help this old Aussie piano tuner who
has just
> fallen on to an old American piano called a Paling Victor, which
was the
> Australian dealers name who imported it. This piano has been
made into a
> nickelodeon with the flashing lights, coin operation and rinki
tink etc.
> It is operated by 'pianocorder'. However, it does not seem to
> very well, and I am need of a test audio tape, because that's
what it
> uses, and a book of instructions. Can anyone help please?
> Thank you,  best wishes,  David Lawson, Wangaratta. Australia
> _______________________________________________
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