Sliding pins

Mike Kurta
Fri, 16 May 2003 07:04:44 -0400

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    Hi All:
    I keep running across older Yamaha consoles, mainly schools and =
churches that have hammer shank pins that have slid sideways.  Often =
they've moved so far as to cause hammer wobble and even inoperative =
hammers.  Because of cost limitations I've been able to pry most of =
these back into position and dab a bit of Titebond over the end of the =
flange to keep the pin in place. =20
    I know these need repinning, but so far this has worked.  Aside from =
the metal pin retainers sold to limit pin movement, is there  a better =
way besides repinning I should consider? =20
    Mike Kurta

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