Sliding pins

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 16 May 2003 07:43:39 -0400

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If you take the action out, you will probably find that the hammer butts
are the brass plate with screw type.  After you have all the center pins
in correct position, tighten all the butt plate screws from the back.  I
just did this a couple weeks ago.  Simple, and ends the walking pin


Mike Kurta wrote:

>     Hi All:    I keep running across older Yamaha consoles, mainly
> schools and churches that have hammer shank pins that have slid
> sideways.  Often they've moved so far as to cause hammer wobble and
> even inoperative hammers.  Because of cost limitations I've been able
> to pry most of these back into position and dab a bit of Titebond over
> the end of the flange to keep the pin in place.    I know these need
> repinning, but so far this has worked.  Aside from the metal pin
> retainers sold to limit pin movement, is there  a better way besides
> repinning I should consider?    Mike Kurta

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