Off topic-vibration diagnostics

Richard Moody
Sun, 18 May 2003 00:04:25 -0500

When I was a kid I guess around 8 or 9 I  vaguely remember a
doctor office visit where the Dr. struck a large tuning fork and
held it on my head.  He asked me which ear I heard it in and
touched it in several places.    (I heard it in both ears)
    I wonder what he was testing for?  There was also a scotch
tape test to be done at home but we won't go there now.

    My wife wonders about my credibility on this one. Did anyone
else ever have this test?  We all had the hammer to the knee.  If
I remember he used that hammer to sound the fork.

---ric aka ---rm

    "Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about
           we ought to know a little about everything."
   Blaise Pascal (1623-1662); French scientist, philosopher and

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