Off topic-vibration diagnostics

Richard Brekne
Sun, 18 May 2003 10:44:29 +0200


That's an old (very old actually) test for diagnosing potential
fertility problems in pre-puburic teens. Actually, this one can be
traced back nearly 2000 years to a very strange ritual that performed by
an odd hybrid of Coptic and Egyptian Neo Death Book worshipers. It was
their belief that some day a prophet would be found in similar manner.
The prophet would be revealed by the fact that a vibration of exactly
438 Hz applied at the midpoint of the Telelurgic Receptacle on the human
forehead (also known in some other cultures as the location of the minds
eye) would illicit a sympatico vibration in the tongue which would begin
a strange undulating motion and end in an extreme extrusion of the tip.
The tip would eventually reach a point of vibratory harmonic protraction
at exactly 180 degrees out of phase but at the same frequency. This
would cause what was called then an Atmos'phar Ik disturbance that gave
the illusion of a sine wave shaped snake protruding from the tongue. It
was believed that the "snake" would impart the Word of the Divine
Creator in a stone tablet by spiting a thread of fire, searing the Word
into the stone.

Religion is a strange thing indeed... That medical science should
somehow pick up on this one should suprise no one :)


Richard Moody wrote:

> When I was a kid I guess around 8 or 9 I  vaguely remember a
> doctor office visit where the Dr. struck a large tuning fork and
> held it on my head.  He asked me which ear I heard it in and
> touched it in several places.    (I heard it in both ears)
>     I wonder what he was testing for?  There was also a scotch
> tape test to be done at home but we won't go there now.
>     My wife wonders about my credibility on this one. Did anyone
> else ever have this test?  We all had the hammer to the knee.  If
> I remember he used that hammer to sound the fork.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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