Off topic-vibration diagnostics

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 18 May 2003 06:09:04 -0500


At 00:04 05/18/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>When I was a kid I guess around 8 or 9 I  vaguely remember a
>doctor office visit where the Dr. struck a large tuning fork and
>held it on my head.  He asked me which ear I heard it in and
>touched it in several places.    (I heard it in both ears)
>     I wonder what he was testing for?  There was also a scotch
>tape test to be done at home but we won't go there now.
>     My wife wonders about my credibility on this one. Did anyone
>else ever have this test?  We all had the hammer to the knee.  If
>I remember he used that hammer to sound the fork.
>---ric aka ---rm

This was a test of your hearing through bone conduction, and a conspiracy 
between your mother and the doctor.   Your mother had probably complained 
that "little Richard never hears a word I say, he must be deaf"

Also, just like thumping the sides of a 55 gal. drum to determine how full 
it is, by putting the fork to different parts of you head, he was testing 
for cerebral level within the cranial cavity...

Do you remember getting home and having you mother say, "I know you can 
hear what I'm saying" and "I know that there _is_ something inside that 
head of yours!!"



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