Aeolian Player___Steinway 1926

Wayne R. Lutzow
Sun, 18 May 2003 10:52:15 -0700


What 2 lines?

I see one URL for each picture. Is that URL too long or do I have to paste
each URL for each picture into the browser?

Is it the entire listing of pictures that must be put into the browser?

I've tried that but it doesn't work...unless I'm missing something there.

How do I know exactly where the separation of the two lines are?

Someone recommended using but can't get that to work

I understand what's happening from your explanation, just can't find the
exactly right solution.

I wonder if sending just one picture would be too large...seems much easier
to send one picture each but do it six times.

TNX for the input,


Subject: Re: Aeolian Player___Steinway 1926

> Wayne:
> It's a URL problem.  The URL to the pictures gets broken up on to two
> lines so when you click on the URL you aren't getting the whole
> thing.  You can copy the whole address (2 lines) and paste it into
> your browser's address line.  You'll have to delete the space that
> gets inserted then you can see the pictures.
> We're still working on this trying to get it easier to use.
> dave

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