Gawd am I having fun yet?/David Nereson's question

Joseph Garrett
Mon, 19 May 2003 08:49:29 -0700

Naw, this was not one of those. The key bed had a slot routed out for the
bar and the key frame was installed over the top, to act as the "cover" for
the rod and hold the felt bushings in place so's it wouldn't rattle. The end
"bushing felts" had fallen out, making the rod rattle and not function very
well. That's why I had to address the problem. Believe me, after 30+ years
of doing these little "chinese puzzle boxes", I looked at easier ways of
fixing the problem. The only solution was to take the key frame out of the
piano! Oh well, the upside was that, as I took things apart, I vacuumed the
"crud", as I went. So, now the little beastie is really spotless! :-) :-(
Just had to share that one. I've always considered that there were those
designer/engineers that stayed awake, nights, thinking up ways of pissing
off the technicians that have to work on these things!<G>
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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