Barcus-Berry Piano Pick-up (was Re: HT tests)

Joseph Garrett
Mon, 19 May 2003 11:25:36 -0700

IMO Barcus-Berry pickups are ok, but they require "attaching" the transducer
pickup to the soundboard. This leaves "goop" all over the soundboard finish,
(not a fun job to remove). Secondly, the transducer pickup does not lend to
a real piano sound without being augmented by a microphone of some kind. The
type I recommend, can be purchased from Radio Shack, is a flat "surface"
type microphone that is easily attached to the lid, (grand or Upright). Yes
it does leave a bit of "goop" on the underside of the lid but is easier to
remove from the case finish then the soundboard finish. These microphones
are not susceptable to feedback and will give a more pure piano sound, (with
attack/tone and resonance). Oh, another thing I don't like about
Barcus-Berry pickups, is that you should use them with some kind of Pre-amp,
before feeding to the main board. Just another thingee in the loop, that can
cause problems, oft-times many. :-(
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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