Pitch changeable pianos/Wim

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Mon, 19 May 2003 11:45:46 -0700

Sheesh! Wim!
I took my tuning exam on a shifting Keyboard piano! There were many
companies that made these beasties. No, they didn't make very many of them,
but there a few still in existance. Bird-Cage shifting keyboards? I've never
seen one! Although that doesn't mean they made them. But, it is
contradictory in their basic concept of "A cheap piano for the masses",
which is what the Over-Damper pianos were, (for the most part)!
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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