piano appraisal

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Mon, 19 May 2003 14:48:28 -0400

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Greetings once again list members,
         Thank you to those of you who responded to my original email. I=20
appreciate the advise that you have given but at this point my query is=20
whether this is likely to be worth anything at all. Assuming that it is in=
fact a "changeable pitch piano and assuming that it is in fact an ornate=20
case and given the manufacture (Vough) and the serial number (3509) is it=20
likely to be worth anything for this customer to sell? Further, is there a=
range in price from top quality to practically dead that one could place on=
such an instrument? It seems to me that without any inkling at all of it's=
possible value I cannot make any kind of appraisal or evaluation that I=20
would be comfortable charging for. In absence of any dollar value placed on=
this piano in any condition can anyone shed some light on where I could=20
look for more information. Thanks!


Greg Newell
Greg's piano Fort=E9

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