Aeolian Player___Steinway 1926

Conrad Hoffsommer
Mon, 19 May 2003 16:13:27 -0500

At 21:59 5/19/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi piano lovers and spinet haters,
>Seeing the pictures of the Steinway Duo Art which were posted recently
>reminds me of a similar piano which had been converted to a regular grand
>piano. The rims for these grand players are about three inches higher than
>normal and when the player mechanism has been removed the piano tends to
>look a bit incongruous. So the tech who converted the piano decided to cut
>three inches off the rim all the way around. I asked him how he managed to
>do this and he came up with what I thought was an ingenious method. Can
>anyone guess what method he used to cut away the excess rim? No prizes, but
>your guesses might prove to be interesting.
>Alan Forsyth

Chain saw?   ;-}

Conrad Hoffsommer
Decorah, IA

So many chocolates; so little time.

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