Big Black Behr-- Amazing Victorian available

gordon stelter
Mon, 19 May 2003 16:26:43 -0700 (PDT)

 Last weekend I saw perhaps the very staunchest old
upright ever---an 1898 Behr,ebony, probably 57" high,
with a "Roll-Top" forehead to let the sound out, a
secret compartment under the lid for--whatever
Victorians hid, I guess. Fretwork front panels with
purple silk behind, and an ADJUSTABLE keydip
mechanism, actuated from beneath the keybed with a
tuning hammer! WOW! What a beast!
     My back hurt just looking at it. 
     Perfect bridges and sound board, Restrung, not
too badly, and rock maple back posts,5"x5" sqaure,
that ran in both orientations, forming a gridwork!
Probably 700 pounds worth of piano, I'd guess! 
    For sale, reasonably priced, if anyone's

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