Lost My Head

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Wed, 21 May 2003 10:01:32 -0500

This is just one of those aggravations ya don't need ...

Pulled the action on a 1921 Geo. Steck grand and snapped the head off one of
the hammers, breaking the shaft right at the head.

Why? Because a stupid prop rail adjustment screw had gotten too low (turning
with vibrations?) and was holding the adjacent key down slightly. %&#$*@&


	1) This is just a simple system with a threaded shaft holding the prop
rail, one nut under it and the round prop nut above it. How can I keep that
lower nut from moving, short of gluing it to the screw?

	2) Not having a replacement shaft (has Brambach-style knuckle), how would
y'all go about fixing this head? Would like to avoid the "sewing thread
splint with giant blob of epoxy" fix that I've seen in other pianos!

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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