Lost My Head

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Wed, 21 May 2003 10:26:53 -0500

>         1) This is just a simple system with a threaded shaft holding the 
> prop
>rail, one nut under it and the round prop nut above it. How can I keep that
>lower nut from moving, short of gluing it to the screw?

Replace it with a leather nut.

>         2) Not having a replacement shaft (has Brambach-style knuckle), 
> how would
>y'all go about fixing this head? Would like to avoid the "sewing thread
>splint with giant blob of epoxy" fix that I've seen in other pianos!
>Alan Barnard

Splice a new 7/32" shank to the old one with a long scarf joint, trim to 
length, press the old shank end out of the hammer, fit and glue hammer to 
new shank, trim shank to length, make resolution to not break old obsolete 
parts ever again, remember the fix for the next time you break an old 
obsolete part.

Ron N

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