Lost my head/prop nut fixes(?)!!!!

JIMRPT@aol.com JIMRPT@aol.com
Wed, 21 May 2003 14:28:51 EDT

In a message dated 21/05/03 1:51:28 PM, joegarrett@earthlink.net writes:

<< Sheesh! Haven't any of you guys heard of "Loc-Tite"? Gauling up the threads

is SOOOOOO Mickey Mouse and just plain bad workmanship, imo! >>

Hmmm interesting tirade here Joe! :-)
 Using "loc-tite" is not workmanship of any better quality as it would 
pervert the design as would the slight 'galling' of the threads. A stop rail stud 
system requires
neither 'loc-tite' or 'galling' when set up properly...so your "loc-tite' 
represents just as much bad workmanship/ quick fix/ jury rigging as does 
"galling".....go take your nap Joe and ligthen up ok?? :-))
Jim Bryant (FL)

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