Letoff rack needed.

Alan Forsyth alanforsyth@fortune4.fsnet.co.uk
Wed, 21 May 2003 21:39:40 +0100

Hi Charles and list,

>>>I could make some sort of homemade job, I guess, but I need it soon and
don't have a lot of spare time to spend on making something.>>>

In a dire emergency, you can use the fall as a regulating rack. Place it in
it's open position on top of the piano and the lip extends out far enough to
cover the hammers when the action is placed in front of it. The height of
the fall is usually close to the string height measurement. Use one of those
small locking steel tape measures to measure the string height, and then set
the fall height to the measurement of the locked tape measure. Use card to
adjust the height of the fall.

I made my own regulating rack using extruded aluminium curtain track. I
would send a picture of it, except I can't find the rack at the moment.
Methinks it's been stolen. (Grand theft)

Alan Forsyth

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