Lost My Head

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Wed, 21 May 2003 13:52:53 -0500

>>Replace it with a leather nut.
>I wouldn't.  I deal with a LOT of leather nuts in the (5) tracker action 
>pipe organs I take care of here.  Leather nuts move as much or more than 
>metal. Add to that the fact that they will strip immediately when 

Hi Conrad,
Yea, I've used thousands of them in players. They're bloody hard to strip 
when they're sized right for the thread, and don't migrate at all in my 
experience.   Organs are an altogether different universe though, so I 
can't entirely disagree.

I don't like buggering threads either, though I have resorted to it. I 
nearly always just position the bottom nut and tighten the top one like it 
was designed. I rarely find one that I have tightened coming loose.

Ron N

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