piano covers

Louis Verkoelen lverkoelen@earthlink.net
Wed, 21 May 2003 21:23:54 -0700


You may want to check out Kris Anderson's covers. They are designed to
stay on the piano even when open and provide a good degree of

Louis Verkoelen
Big Bear City, CA.

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On
Behalf Of Fred Brown III
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:59 PM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: piano covers

Hello All,
I have a church customer that has a 9 foot Kawai in a multi use room
they call the Great Hall and they are having problems with the case
getting pretty badly banged up(1/2" deep gouges). I have been asked to
do a repair to the finish. I would like to know if anyone knows of some
type of piano cover that has cables that go under the piano and can be
locked. It seems that I have seen this type of thing somewhere(maybe
some other type of application other thatn pianos). Any help would be
appreciated. I don't think they have the budget to pay

for this type of repair every time I come to do a tuning! thanks for any
help ahead of time

Fred Brown RPT

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