Lost my head/prop nut fixes(?)!!!!

JIMRPT@aol.com JIMRPT@aol.com
Thu, 22 May 2003 16:45:03 EDT

In a message dated 22/05/03 2:56:30 PM, joegarrett@earthlink.net writes:

<< Jim,

OK, I'll cede to the overly-tired, perfectionist, linguist. If'n you want to

let less than good repair techniques slide....so be it. I thought this list

was to BETTER the group with appropriate techniques and knowledge. Hmmm? I

must've had an altziemer's thingee er sumpin'.

Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon) >>

Well maybe I am wrong in thinking we should say what we mean in words that 
are clearly understood...I suppose that same anal retentative side of me also 
makes me want to be a piano tech......butttttttttttt words mean things and your 
use of derogatory comments to your peers was uneedful and gratuitously callous.

  Likewise your comment implying/infering that I <<"want to let less than 
good repair techniques slide">>  I suppose you have posts from me that would lead 
you to that conclusion...so giving you the benefit of the doubt.......I'll 
just say g'nite.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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