Letoff rack needed

G GRAVINA ggravina@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 22 May 2003 21:13:03 -0400

I saw Ernie Juhn used a (prototype?) homemade version of this "Tautline 
Regulation Guide" years ago.  The vertical posts were made from coat hanger 
wire with an eye on the base to accept the action bracket screws.  A length 
of heavy thread strung between the vertical posts was set for string 
height, etc.  Can't get much more frugal!

Jerry Gravina, RPT
Babylon, NY

>the Tautline Regulation Guide (TLRG). Yankee thrift raised to genius
>levels ...It's carried by Pianotek, page B32. I don't leave home without 
>it. <grin>

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