No Power Yamaha revisited

Richard Brekne
Thu, 22 May 2003 23:13:07 +0200

Hi Avery

Thanks for the note and story.

Gotta admit that I've been doing it the "usual" way for years, and most often
it works just fine. But that just makes these 2 ( 3 now ) cases all that more
curious. Of course I have to check out the two others to see if they respond
to this jacked up bedding the same way as the C6 I did today did.

Raises the question tho... why would some need this, and others not ?

I think I will be looking a bit closer into how the height of the bedding
pianos in general after this. Cant hurt, and it would be an interesting

As far as what the "secret" is.... seems to me so far the best I have heard
so far is Issacs description of how the << compression >> of the action <<
feels >>, which comes to him from Andre if I am not mistaken. One thing seems
increasingly apparent. A bed is not just a bed :)

Andre... why dont you go through all this one more time if you are out there.



Avery Todd wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I don't have the answer but I do have a story! :-)
> Back several years ago, I had to do a regulation on a Yamaha 9' that
> had been sent in for a Yamaha artist recital (Frederic Chiu). It'd
> been messed up by "someone" and was in terrible shape.
> I did it the usual way, like you mention below and everything worked
> great and he loved it. Shortly after that, a tech that used to work for
> Yamaha came to Houston and in the store, redid everything I'd done
> because evidently, Yamaha sets the glides that way on purpose. He said
> he was trying to get the "method" written about but so far, it hasn't
> been done, as far as I know. I don't know what the secret is but until
> I know differently, I'll continue to set the glide bolts in the "usual"
> way. It's worked that way for many pianos for many years!
> Avery

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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