OT: Beware of email address ending with "hotmail.com" and "msn.com"

Hechler Family dahechler@charter.net
Thu, 22 May 2003 21:16:44 -0500

Microsoft owns and is in control of "hotmail.com" and "msn.com".


"Weaknesses in Microsoft's "single sign-in" Passport technology forced the 
Redmond company early this month to temporarily shut down the ability of 
Passport users to change their passwords.

 One of the newly-discovered flaws permitted anyone to change an existing 
Passport account's password at will. This gave the intruder the use of any 
credit-card numbers that had been entered by the original user.

 The password change could be accomplished by simply visiting Microsoft's 
Passport site, Register.Passport.com, and including a user's e-mail address - 
such as example@hotmail.com - as a parameter in the address bar of the 
visitor's browser. In response, the Passport site then sent a "change 
password" link by e-mail to any e-mail address that had been included as a 
second parameter. The incredibly simple exploit came to light when security 
researchers in Pakistan announced it on May 7. The following day, Microsoft 
disabled the password-change procedure, which had been added to Passport in 
September 2002. The company then released a bulletin on May 9 saying the 
problem had been corrected. ...

Numerous experts have found other serious weaknesses. For example, researchers 
at AT&T Labs warned in a 2000 publication that Passport's redirection of 
browsers to Microsoft's servers was not protected by SSL (Secure Sockets 
Layer), again leaving passwords open to inquisitive ISP employees."

Duaine Hechler
Piano, Player Piano, Organ, Pump Organ
Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding
Associate Member of the Piano Technicians Guild
Reed Organ Society Member
Florissant, MO
(314) 838-5587

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