No Power Yamaha revisited (Yamaha says...)
Thu, 22 May 2003 22:07:31 EDT

Will writes:

>Remove the stack so you can also remove the keys. 
>Tighten all screws in the bed, replace the stack (to "weight" the frame),
>and put 
>the frame back in the piano. Now set the glide bolts as you normally would.
>Remove the stack, replace the keys and Voila! the perfect key bedding.
   I have found it useless to bed the keyframe without also checking to see 
that all the cleats from the stack are also in contact with the keyframe, 
itself.  It is VERY common on soldered action stacks to have one or more of the 
"feet" up in the air.  If not shimmed or bent to touch, they interject a stress 
in the keyframe that makes it very sensitive to climate changes. 
    Also, a properly bedded keyframe stays in contact with the keybed when 
both una-corda and damper pedals are firmly depressed!  
Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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