No Power Yamaha revisited

Bill Ballard
Mon, 26 May 2003 08:47:35 -0400

At 9:53 PM -0600 5/25/03, Roger Jolly wrote:
>Aha! but a good healthy blow now puts the frame under compression. 
>As you stretch the frame then the cross beams have tension, heavy 
>blow you force them into compression.

I agree that a good healthy blow will put the frame under pressure, 
but if the BR doesn't have anywhere to go (because the glides are 
contacting the bed), how will the frame get forced into compression. 
I'll have my dial indicator on at least two keyframes in another hour 
and will measure how much the BR might deflect in between glides. I'm 
not expecting to observe too much, at least not compared to the 
amount we've sprung the cross slats (famous last words.....)

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

".......true more in general than specifically"
     ...........Lenny Bruce, spoofing a radio discussion of the Hebrew 
roots of Calypso music

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