No Power Yamaha revisited

Roger Jolly
Sun, 25 May 2003 21:53:53 -0600

>>Guess that should have read compression, instead of tension.  Well you 
>>all know I am confused at times. <G>
>I dunno, Ric. If you press up on the underside of the balance rail. that 
>arching would seem to be stretching the cross slats, not squashing them. 
>I'd call it tensioning.
>Bill Ballard RPT
Aha! but a good healthy blow now puts the frame under compression.  As you 
stretch the frame then the cross beams have tension, heavy blow you force 
them into compression.  Now do we look at the mechanical impedance or the 
mechanical reactance?   Do we look up, or look down?   mmmmmmmmm 
Integration or differential calculus. OMG lets not go there?

Back under my rock and grin ric.  Rubbing my bones in glee.

Regards Roger 

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