No Power Yamaha revisited

Bill Ballard
Sun, 25 May 2003 23:24:42 -0400

>At 8:23 AM -0600 5/24/03, Roger Jolly wrote:
>>They were all regulated such that each was just barely in contact 
>>with the bed. And as accurately so as you could ever desire. The 
>>problem was that they were not putting enough pressure on the 
>>keybed so the key frame was not put under enough << tension >> as 
>>Roger puts it.
>Guess that should have read compression, instead of tension.  Well 
>you all know I am confused at times. <G>

I dunno, Ric. If you press up on the underside of the balance rail. 
that arching would seem to be stretching the cross slats, not 
squashing them. I'd call it tensioning.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Talking about music is like dancing about architecture"
     ...........Steve Martin

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