Inaccessible Let-off Screws

Bill Ballard
Thu, 22 May 2003 22:56:51 -0400

At 9:17 PM -0500 5/22/03, Michael Spalding wrote:
>Is there a tool I don't own yet, for adjusting let-off screws with 
>low overhead

A hemostat. Not only can it clamp onto the body of the screw and turn 
it, it can poke through the eye for about 30º of turn (depending on 
which way the eye is facing) or it can grab "across" the eye for 
about 90º of turn (again depending on eye orientation).

>Or do I have to run another hammer rail over the router table?

I assume you're only removing the stock which will allow you to come 
in on top of the eyes, and not anything which the hammer rails is 
depending on for its vertical location on the stack.

I had the same clearance problem with my Krakauer. The location of 
the rail wasn't the problem, the length of the eye screws was. I 
leave it to your imagination.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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