Inaccessible Let-off Screws

Keith McGavern
Thu, 22 May 2003 22:28:43 -0500

At 10:56 PM -0400 5/22/03, Bill Ballard wrote:
>At 9:17 PM -0500 5/22/03, Michael Spalding wrote:
>>Is there a tool I don't own yet, for adjusting let-off screws with 
>>low overhead
>A hemostat. Not only can it clamp onto the body of the screw and 
>turn it, it can poke through the eye for about 30º of turn 
>(depending on which way the eye is facing) or it can grab "across" 
>the eye for about 90º of turn (again depending on eye orientation).

Great idea, Bill!

I got a couple extra of those hemostats just taking up space. Look 
forward to giving it a go next time on that one or two pesky grands I 
service like Mike described.


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