Ahmad Jamal

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Sun, 25 May 2003 11:35:00 -0600

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>I've often wondered why performance pianos don't ship with multiple 
>actions for different performer preferences.  Take out one, slide in the 
>other.  Different piano!  Two pianos at far less the cost of two.  It 
>would make sense to me...
>Sarah Diane Fox, Ph.D., NPT
>Columbus, Ohio, United States of America

Hi Sarah,
                 I have seen this done in a few places, so say, a chamber 
music action, voiced warm with lots of colour,  and a bright cutting 
Orchestral action.  I think any Piano maker would supply two actions if 
requested.  It's the Institutions that are not smart enough to just buy two 
actions, they seem to like to buy two pianos.

Regards Roger  

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