Ahmad Jamal

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Sun, 25 May 2003 12:42:22 -0500

>Hi Sarah,
>                 I have seen this done in a few places, so say, a chamber 
> music action, voiced warm with lots of colour,  and a bright cutting 
> Orchestral action.  I think any Piano maker would supply two actions if 
> requested.  It's the Institutions that are not smart enough to just buy 
> two actions, they seem to like to buy two pianos.
>Regards Roger

You're giving institutions too much credit for good sense Roger. Usually, 
they just buy (or rent) one technician, and expect him to entirely change 
the character of the piano on demand, instantly, and cheaply from recital 
to concert...

Ron N

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