Bass bridge puzzler

Sun, 25 May 2003 17:43:40 -0600

At 11:29 AM 5/25/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>>>This is why I've always used pinblock scrap for bass bridges in 
>>>verticals - either the multilam maple, or Delignit.
>>>Ron N
>>Horizontal, no?
>Of course.
>Ron N

Yeah... though I like the vertically laminated bridges on some instruments, 
it doesn't seem all that practical or beneficial for a cap or a topper for 
an apron. Booger to notch, also. Have used vertical chunks for repair 
around the tenor/treble cutout on some oldies, though, and liked the 
results. Seems like the sales pitch favoring vertical over horizontal 
doesn't really jive with the science. JMHO

Guy Nichols, RPT
Ft. Stinkin' Desert, NM

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