No Power Yamaha revisited
Mon, 26 May 2003 09:48:36 EDT

Bill writes: 
>I agree that a good healthy blow will put the frame under pressure, 
>but if the BR doesn't have anywhere to go (because the glides are 
>contacting the bed), 

  I have been wondering when somebody is going to mention the entrainment of 
the keybed?  Once the glides are in contact, the action cannot move, UNLESS 
the keybed is not absolutely rigid.  But we know the keybed isn't.  This is 
easily seen by depressing the pedals under a very lightly bedded set of glides and 
observing them to lose contact with the keybed.  
   So,  the extra power and tone being ascribed to heavier loading on the 
glide buttons may possibly be a function of preload on the keybed?  And the 
observed differences between makes of pianos may be more due to the differences 
between keybed strength than the flexibility of the balance rails?? 
Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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