Comrades ...
Mon, 26 May 2003 14:08:07 EDT

>... what is meaning, please, of "schraffed bass strings."

   This refers to the striations on the core wire.  As Wayne Hicks,(longtime 
Mapes stringmaker), wrote it down,"run rock on core".  I understood that they 
used a piece of sharp flint. 

>They cost more: Why? Are they worth it and, if so, for what pianos?

   I always ask for this, as over the years, the occurance of deadness and/or 
rattles was much lower with these schraffed strings.  
 >Now, a toughie: I've always ordered from Mapes and have no complaints.
>If others have favorite strings/suppliers, it would be nice to hear which

I used Mapes for many years, then tried the far more expensive strings of a 
custom maker.  The more expensive strings were more consistant, but they seemed 
to lack life.  I finally got a set that was more dead than alive and wasn't 
able to get calls returned by the maker, so I have switched back to Mapes. 
Occasionally, I have to ask for a replacement string on a new set, but they have 
the tone I need.  
   I know of several high end rebuilders that swear by GC strings from 
Canada.  I have had several sets and they were very nicely made and sounding.  The 
last set was questionable, though. 
Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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