String 'em Up, Boys
Mon, 26 May 2003 14:07:51 -0500

I'm quoting on a total restring, w/new pins, of a 1922 Hamilton upright with
original player action (rebuilt, electrified, and working fine).

I've never worked on a player so:

1) I assume the upper player mechanism lifts out but what do you look for so
you can do it and get it back right?

2) What will be in the way below the keyframe? How do I remove or otherwise
deal with this stuff?

3) How much time will it take to get it all out and put it all back?

4) Once steps 1 & 2 are taken, is there any problem laying the piano down,
or should I plan to string it in the vertical?

'Preciate help, as always...

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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