9' Chickering plate

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Mon, 26 May 2003 13:46:47 -0500

>Here are some pictures of a 9' Chickering like the one mentioned
>on the list. The question is ,what is the best way to get the plate out
>of this piano. As you can see, the plate goes under the inner rim where
>there must be screws holding it in. Anyone ever removed a plate from a
>piano like this?
>Larry Hofer

I haven't done one of these, so these are just speculative thoughts. It 
looks to me that the soundboard, pinblock, and plate were set up and strung 
on the inner rim. The outer rim (case) then being lowered onto the inner, 
and glued (?) screwed (?) to it. It's inconceivable to me that they would 
have been dumb enough to have wasted time building and finishing the rim in 
place over the plate. Chickering was innovative and fearless, but no where 
near stupid. It had to be buildable at a reasonable cost of time and 
effort. I doubt there are even screws around the plate perimeter, judging 
from the large number of nose bolts through the plate. An interesting idea, 
providing a better and more solid back termination than about anything else 
out there. Flat strung with the soundboard grain what appears to be 
perpendicular to the belly rail. Any chance of getting some pictures 
underneath? It's a long shot, but it might be possible to get the outer rim 
loose from the inner and reverse the assembly process without utterly 
trashing the thing. Then again, maybe not.

Ron N

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