
Owen J. Greyling RPT
Mon, 26 May 2003 20:05:16 -0400

Comments below. Sorry if my questions were not well enough stated the first
time around. My fault, to little information.I was doing basic dealer prep
on both of these pianos that presented me with more involved problems then
what I was getting paid for. I had to "move on", but wondered if there was
an easy solution that I wasn't seeing!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Nossaman" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: agraffes

> >Two questions about agraffes...
> >
> >1.) Are agraffes loose enough to be used as string spacers, an accident
> >waiting to happen? ( new entry level grand on showroom floor ) Yes, the
> >factory workers used the agraffes as adjustments for the trichord damper
> I don't understand. How can loose agraffes be used as string spacers, or
> adjustments for trichord damper felt?

-I know this sounds strange, but the string spacing changed enough to affect
the dampers. When I straightened the dozen or so agraffes that were
obviously out of line, the trichord damper felt no longer did it's job
properly and had to be adjusted, to get reasonable damping. The agraffes are
obviously not as tight as they could be.

> >2.) In a decent quality grand ( rhymes with hamburger ), on another
> >showroom floor, would it be foolhardy of me to try to force a few
> >misaligned agraffes far enough that the strings could be levelled in the
> >same plane as the rest of them? These agraffes are tight, I could not
> >budge them with the small agraffe tool that fits in the combination
> >
> >Owen Greyling
> I don't understand again. How could misalignment affect level?

-There are two agraffes on this piano that would be properly in line with
the rest of the set if they were turned slightly in a clockwise fashion. The
strings on both of these agraffes, when checked with a bubble gauge, are
higher on the left side then the right by a small amount. I had levelled all
the other strings and gang levelled hammers mated up well, except for these
two unturnable agraffes.
Owen G.
> Ron N
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