
Ron Nossaman
Mon, 26 May 2003 10:24:47 -0500

>Two questions about agraffes...
>1.) Are agraffes loose enough to be used as string spacers, an accident 
>waiting to happen? ( new entry level grand on showroom floor ) Yes, the 
>factory workers used the agraffes as adjustments for the trichord damper felt.

I don't understand. How can loose agraffes be used as string spacers, or as 
adjustments for trichord damper felt?

>2.) In a decent quality grand ( rhymes with hamburger ), on another 
>showroom floor, would it be foolhardy of me to try to force a few 
>misaligned agraffes far enough that the strings could be levelled in the 
>same plane as the rest of them? These agraffes are tight, I could not 
>budge them with the small agraffe tool that fits in the combination handle.
>Owen Greyling

I don't understand again. How could misalignment affect level?

Ron N

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