Tuning for recordings, Brubeck

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Mon, 26 May 2003 23:25:45 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Cole <tcole@cruzio.com>
To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: Tuning for recordings

> Richard Moody wrote:
> >
> >When was the out of tune Medowlark recorded?  Hope it wasn't me
> >----rm
> >
> Strange Meadowlark: Columbia, 1959.

Ah, I was 12 years old then.  Shows you how much I know about DB's
discography.   As  "house tuner" for a recording studio in SF in
the 80's
I had the honor of tuning for him there.  They stuffed a 9 foot
Baldwin concert grand  into a smallish room, but this was a
feature of that studio, they liked small rooms and isolation
booths.  I never did find out what the album was.
    I got a call the next day that a "thunking" noise was
bothersome so I went in at lunch time but no one was there.  At
least they left a note saying G# was the culprit.  (Is that the
break in a Baldwin concert grand
between bass and tenor?)  The one at the break was making a
thunking noise when the soft pedal was depressed. (They could have
saved 20 minutes by mentioning, "when   the soft pedal is down" or
did they say that after they called the resturant---?--the details
are fuzzy. 1987 or 6 or 5  is getting to be a long time ago)
Anyhow it was the bass hammer hitting against the plate when the
soft pedal was depressed, so I got out the moto tool and ground it
down.    ; ))   .  I suppose now will come all the
"ya'shouldadone's".   But if anyone has has a similar experience I
would like to hear about it.

> I'll have the pleasure of tuning for Dave June 17 when he comes
to Santa
> Cruz, CA.
> Tom Cole

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