tuner needed for Indiana Temperament customer

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 11:00:24 EDT

    I have a customer in Carmel, Indiana (Just north of Indy) that would like 
a temperament savvy tuner to maintain her Yamaha grand.  She had a Coleman 11 
on it when they moved from here and would like to keep it that way,(or a 
Broadwood).  Will probably need a pitch raise,(they have moved twice and it has 
been a couple of years!) 
  Reply to me off list or on if interested. 

Ed Foote RPT 
 <A HREF="http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/399/six_degrees_of_tonality.html">
MP3.com: Six Degrees of Tonality</A>

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