Duplicating Bridges, Revisited/Shipping

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Tue, 27 May 2003 08:48:35 -0700

For shipping anything fragile or awkward, I recommend Mail Boxes, etc., (Now
part of UPS). I had to ship the Top Action of a Square Grand and they were
great! It arrived unscathed! As for shipping a "long bridge"? Don't know.
Never had anyone inquire before. There's always a first.<G> Seriously, if
you have the wherewithall to remove a "long bridge", you should have the
skills to do your own, IMO. (Right? Terry?<G>)
Best regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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