Duplicating Bridges, Revisited/Shipping

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Tue, 27 May 2003 11:38:12 -0500

>  As for shipping a "long bridge"? Don't know.
>Never had anyone inquire before. There's always a first.<G> Seriously, if
>you have the wherewithall to remove a "long bridge", you should have the
>skills to do your own, IMO. (Right? Terry?<G>)
>Best regards,
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Joe's right. I've made a bunch of bass bridges for myself, and a few for 
other techs who don't rebuild, but are capable of removing the old bass 
bridge and installing the new one. While bass bridge replacement in a 
vertical is pretty straightforward and relatively hard to mess up really 
badly, the long bridge is a different story. A lot of factors are involved 
that are best handled by one person start to finish. If you can't build the 
long bridge yourself, send the piano. If you need just the bass bridge, 
apron too, just send that.

Ron N

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