Backchecking Height
Tue, 27 May 2003 13:37:13 EDT

In a message dated 27/05/03 1:00:41 PM, writes:

<< Bradley

P.S. Just so things are clear, I am asking about the height of backchecking,

not backcheck height. ;)


Bradley just to make it even more clear...what you are asking about is hammer 
check height, a.k.a. check height...not height of backchecking... :-)))))

 If you set up a level worktop surface, either benchtop or shim 
arrangement...then you set some samples in the piano....when put on the bench don't touch 
your samples, as far as changing anything, rather adjust the rest of the 
hammers to match your will be amazing close when you slide the action 
back in...some minor touch up is usually required.
Another view.
 Jim Bryant (FL)

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