Air Powered Vacuum Sander

Tue, 27 May 2003 15:05:55 -0400

I just sanded a soundboard in my shop with my new sander and found not one spec of dust floating in the air when I was done. AMAZING. It is a six-inch random-orbital compressed-air-powered sander with a vacuum attachment. I've used a number of "dustless" sanders before and where they do reduce the amount of dust flying off in the air, I have always found them to be less than satisfactory. You attach a shop vac to this little rascal and you get ZERO dust in the air. The air powered feature is kinda nice because it makes the sander very light weight because there is no motor attached to it. The vac hose is a bit of a thing, but I found that you can hold it much like a handle and what might seem to be an obstacle can become somewhat of an asset.

Anywho - I can now do major sanding in my shop and not generate ANY dust. YAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Terry Farrell

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