Piannaman@aol.com Piannaman@aol.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 18:08:38 EDT

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> DD was in town last nite with her largely french comp group. Another 
> very gracious jazz pianist, and holy christmas what a singer.


You are right about DD...the things she can do with her voice are pretty 
amazing.  I've never had the pleasure of seeing her live, just heard her on 
recordings.  Did she do "What a little Moonlight can do?"  Oooo, baby, it gives me 
chills.  She's the best around, in my book. 

Is her pianist still Tierry Eliez(sp.?)? He's a phenomenal talent, too.  The 
way her band works as a unit is pretty inspiring. 

Dave Stahl 

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