Backcheck height

Kent Swafford
Tue, 27 May 2003 20:01:17 -0500

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 07:31  PM, Avery Todd wrote:

> But your suggestions could solve the
> problems until I can get the real problem corrected.

I'm with Ed. Functionally, slicing the hammer felt so that it does not 
extend so far down the distal side of the hammer molding is a real fix 
of a real problem and takes only minutes. (Relative to the amounts of 
time that many of our procedures take, like installing new backchecks 
in this instance, the slicing of felt takes almost no time.) If you 
depress the hammer from its rest position, you want the shank to 
contact its rebound cushion before the back of the hammer felt can 
contact the back check. If there is some advantage to lowering the 
backcheck rather than removing hammer felt, it escapes me. ?  But 
installing lower backchecks sure could take more time, to fix a problem 
we didn't cause.

Kent Swafford

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