Backcheck height

Avery Todd
Tue, 27 May 2003 20:15:26 -0500


I agree. I just hate to have to fix a problem "that" way when it should
have been done correctly in the first place! :-) I guess I'm just too
used to the rebuilders I use (2 other D's) who do it correctly in the
first place!


At 08:01 PM 05/27/03 -0500, you wrote:

>On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 07:31  PM, Avery Todd wrote:
>>But your suggestions could solve the
>>problems until I can get the real problem corrected.
>I'm with Ed. Functionally, slicing the hammer felt so that it does not 
>extend so far down the distal side of the hammer molding is a real fix of 
>a real problem and takes only minutes. (Relative to the amounts of time 
>that many of our procedures take, like installing new backchecks in this 
>instance, the slicing of felt takes almost no time.) If you depress the 
>hammer from its rest position, you want the shank to contact its rebound 
>cushion before the back of the hammer felt can contact the back check. If 
>there is some advantage to lowering the backcheck rather than removing 
>hammer felt, it escapes me. ?  But installing lower backchecks sure could 
>take more time, to fix a problem we didn't cause.
>Kent Swafford
>pianotech list info:

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