captured action
Tue, 27 May 2003 22:38:41 -0500

Ron said: "So there's no hope the felts can be mashed enough to remove the
action with the poster board ramp?"

Just to get it out of there and see what's going on, can you reach a long
screwdriver in there and get that "rest" rail out from under the shanks? Or
can you rip the felt out? Or, with the customer's agreement (she have any
confidence left in our trade?), can you get a hacksaw blade down there and
cut that rest rail out, section by section? Certainly wouldn't be hard to
make a new one. Just a thought for a desperate man--from someone who doesn't
have to face that owner.

Ron said: "Bob posted a good thought about the shift lever or leg or lyre
screws. If the spreader doesn't come out and letoff isn't happening, either
something is holding the action up, or the piano is slowly imploding and
isn't safe to be around."

Logical but I'd go with the imploding theory because an action sitting too
high in back would not likely leave a 2" blow, methinks!

Ugly. Just plain ugly.

Alan Barnard

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