captured action

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 27 May 2003 22:28:27 -0500

>Looks "painted" (lacquered, actually) in, but also looks like it's been
>messed up a little over the years.  No gap.  This is the mystery attachment

Ok. No mystery, no removal. So far so bad.

>  Is there no contact at all between stretcher and pinblock, as in -
> > can you insert something between the two so it can be seen underneath and
> > slide it from rim to rim without hitting anything?
>No contact between the stretcher and pinblock.   1cm or more gap.

Rendered moot by the previous no removal clause. No help.

>No compression slack in the rest felt.  I should have said "shanks are
>settled firmly into the rest rail felt"

So there's no hope the felts can be mashed enough to remove the action with 
the poster board ramp?

>Key dip is around 3/8, not enough to achieve let-off on most notes.  This
>piano was recently inherited and moved from Gramma's on the coast hasn't
>been played since no-one remembers when, now they're wondering what it
>would take to make it playable.   (So am I )

Bob posted a good thought about the shift lever or leg or lyre screws. If 
the spreader doesn't come out and letoff isn't happening, either something 
is holding the action up, or the piano is slowly imploding and isn't safe 
to be around.

Ron N

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