captured action
Tue, 27 May 2003 22:54:29 -0500

Hmmm. But do they not dip, just at first, until the key ends hit deck?

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go take my piano apart and experiment, but that's
four skinny screws and two big fat ones...


P.S. Stump?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:45 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: RE: captured action

>This suggests a theory!
>The last tech found problems and shimmed the frame and or bed. This tilts 
>the action enough to increase that blow and, when sliding it out, raises 
>the hammers into the stretcher.
>Far fetched? Weird?
>Yep, that s me.
>Alan Barnard

Sorry old stump. Tilting the keyframe either front or back will raise the 

Ron N

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